一、Devcloud介绍(Introduction to Devcloud)

Devcloud是华为云一站式的开发部署应用平台。在中国region包含有12个应用组件,但在中国之外的region当前上线的是ProjectMan、CodeHub、CloudPipeline、CloudBuild、CloudDeploy、CloudArtifact 六个主要组件。

Devcloud is a one-stop development and deploy application platform for HUAWEI CLOUD. There are 12 application components in the China region, but the oversea regions are currently online with six main components: ProjectMan, CodeHub, CloudPipeline, CloudBuild, CloudDeploy, and CloudArtifact.

二、代码管理(Code management)

先创建完project,再通过codehub上传代码到对应的仓库。First create the project, and then upload the code to the corresponding repository through codehub.


三、代码编译(Code build)


Switch to cloudbuild through the navigation bar and add tasks. You can add different types of tasks through the plus sign. For example, there are three steps in the figure below, which are compiling—uploading the repository—build docker image and upload to SWR.


三、应用部署(Application build)


Applications can be deployed to virtual machines and containers, and templates such as installation environment and application startup and shutdown are also preset. Here is an example of deploying to a CCE container.



It can also be deployed to a custom K8s cluster, but you need to add endpoints in advance and communicate through the k8s public network API interface.

可以通过yaml文件部署应用到CCE,示例如下(The application can be deployed to CCE through the yaml file, the example is as follows):

 1apiVersion: apps/v1
 2kind: Deployment
 4  annotations:
 5    description: ''
 6  labels:
 7    appgroup: ''
 8    version: v1
 9  name: javawebtest
10  namespace: default
12  selector:
13    matchLabels:
14      app: javawebtest
15      version: v1
16  template:
17    metadata:
18      annotations:
19        metrics.alpha.kubernetes.io/custom-endpoints: '[{"api":"","path":"","port":"","names":""}]'
20      labels:
21        app: javawebtest
22        version: v1
23    spec:
24      containers:
25        - image: 'swr.sa-brazil-1.myhuaweicloud.com/devcloud/demo:v1.1'
26          name: container-0
27          resources:
28            requests:
29              cpu: 250m
30              memory: 512Mi
31            limits:
32              cpu: 1000m
33              memory: 1024Mi
34      imagePullSecrets:
35        - name: default-secret
36      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
37  replicas: 1
38  minReadySeconds: 0
39  strategy:
40    type: RollingUpdate
41    rollingUpdate:
42      maxSurge: 0
43      maxUnavailable: 1
46apiVersion: v1
47kind: Service
49  name: javawebtest
50  labels:
51    app: javawebtest
52  namespace: default
53  annotations: {}
55  selector:
56    app: javawebtest
57  externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
58  ports:
59    - name: cce-service-0
60      targetPort: 8080
61      nodePort: 0
62      port: 8080
63      protocol: TCP
64  type: NodePort


Special attention imagePullSecrets:. CCE can directly pull images from SWR because the user name and password information for logging in to SWR are stored in this file.


Pipeline是把前面的步骤结合起来,通过pipeline可以一键式的完成代码的编译和部署。Pipeline is a combination of the previous steps, and the build and deployment of the code can be completed with one click through the pipeline.