RH236 glusterfs存储配置
其中前四个节点为配置glusterfs 分布式、复制、分布+复制、Geo异地同步等。其中前四个节点用于几种类型存储配置,第五台主机用作client访问、和Geo异常容灾模拟。需要注意的是,如下所有的配置中,我使用的都是IP,现网中建议使用主机名或域名的方式配置,这个IP发生变更时,无需在glusterfs中进行修改,只在dns中修改下指向IP即可。
主机名 | IP地址 | |
node1 | server2-a.example.com | |
node2 | server2-b.example.com | |
node3 | server2-c.example.com | |
node4 | server2-d.example.com | |
node5 | server2-e.example.com | |

1[root@server2-a ~]# gluster
2gluster> peer probe
3peer probe: success. Probe on localhost not needed
4gluster> peer probe
5peer probe: success.
6gluster> peer probe
7peer probe: success.
8gluster> peer probe
9peer probe: success.

1[root@server2-a ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/test
2[root@server2-a ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data
3[root@server2-a ~]# vgs
4 VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
5 vg_bricks 1 0 0 wz--n- 14.59g 14.59g
6[root@server2-a ~]# lvcreate -L 13G -T vg_bricks/brickspool
7 Logical volume "lvol0" created
8 Logical volume "brickspool" created
9[root@server2-a ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_a1
10 Logical volume "brick_a1" created
11[root@server2-a ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_a2
12 Logical volume "brick_a2" created
13[root@server2-a ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_a1
14[root@server2-a ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_a2
15[root@server2-a ~]# cat /etc/fstab |grep -v \#
16UUID=0cad9910-91e8-4889-8764-fab83b8497b9 / ext4 defaults 1 1
17UUID=661c5335-6d03-4a7b-a473-a842b833f995 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
18UUID=b37f001b-5ef3-4589-b813-c7c26b4ac2af swap swap defaults 0 0
19tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
20devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
21sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
22proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
23/dev/vg_bricks/brick_a1 /bricks/test/ xfs defaults 0 0
24/dev/vg_bricks/brick_a2 /bricks/data/ xfs defaults 0 0
25[root@server2-a ~]# mount -a
26[root@server2-a ~]# df -h
27[root@server2-a ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/test/testvol_n1
28[root@server2-a ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data/datavol_n1
1[root@server2-b ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/test
2[root@server2-b ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data
3[root@server2-b ~]# lvcreate -L 13G -T vg_bricks/brickspool
4[root@server2-b ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_b1
5[root@server2-b ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_b2
6[root@server2-b ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_b1
7[root@server2-b ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_b2
8/dev/vg_bricks/brick_b1 /bricks/test/ xfs defaults 0 0
9/dev/vg_bricks/brick_b2 /bricks/data/ xfs defaults 0 0
10[root@server2-b ~]# mount -a
11[root@server2-b ~]# df -h
12[root@server2-b ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/test/testvol_n2
13[root@server2-b ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data/datavol_n2

1[root@server2-c ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/safe
2[root@server2-c ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data
3[root@server2-c ~]# lvcreate -L 13G -T vg_bricks/brickspool
4[root@server2-c ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_c1
5[root@server2-c ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_c2
6[root@server2-c ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_c1
7[root@server2-c ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_c2
8/dev/vg_bricks/brick_c1 /bricks/safe/ xfs defaults 0 0
9/dev/vg_bricks/brick_c2 /bricks/data/ xfs defaults 0 0
10[root@server2-c ~]# mount -a
11[root@server2-c ~]# df -h
12[root@server2-c ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/safe/safevol_n3
13[root@server2-c ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data/datavol_n3

1[root@server2-d ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/safe
2[root@server2-d ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data
3[root@server2-d ~]# lvcreate -L 13G -T vg_bricks/brickspool
4[root@server2-d ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_d1
5[root@server2-d ~]# lvcreate -V 3G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n brick_d2
6[root@server2-d ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_d1
7[root@server2-d ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/brick_d2
8/dev/vg_bricks/brick_d1 /bricks/safe/ xfs defaults 0 0
9/dev/vg_bricks/brick_d2 /bricks/data/ xfs defaults 0 0
10[root@server2-d ~]# mount -a
11[root@server2-d ~]# df -h
12[root@server2-d ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/safe/safevol_n4
13[root@server2-d ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/data/datavol_n4

1[root@server2-a ~]# gluster
2gluster> volume create testvol
3volume create: testvol: success: please start the volume to access data
4gluster> volume start testvol
5volume start: testvol: success
6gluster> volume set testvol auth.allow 172.25.2.*
7gluster> volume list
8gluster> volume info testvol

1[root@server2-a ~]# gluster
2gluster> volume create safevol replica 2
3gluster> volume start safevol
4gluster> volume set testvol auth.allow 172.25.2.*
5gluster> volume list
6gluster> volume info safevol

1[root@server2-a ~]# gluster
2gluster> volume create datavol replica 2
3gluster> volume start datavol
4gluster> volume set testvol auth.allow 172.25.2.*
5gluster> volume list
6gluster> volume info datavol

1[root@server2-e ~]# cat /etc/fstab |grep -v \#
2UUID=0cad9910-91e8-4889-8764-fab83b8497b9 / ext4 defaults 1 1
3UUID=661c5335-6d03-4a7b-a473-a842b833f995 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
4UUID=b37f001b-5ef3-4589-b813-c7c26b4ac2af swap swap defaults 0 0
5tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
6devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
7sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
8proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
9172.25.2.10:/testvol /test glusterfs _netdev,acl 0 0
10172.25.2.10:/safevol /safe nfs _netdev 0 0
11172.25.2.10:/datavol /data glusterfs _netdev 0 0
12[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir /test /safe /data
13[root@server2-e ~]# mount -a
14[root@server2-e ~]# df -h

1[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir -p /test/confidential
2[root@server2-e ~]# groupadd admins
3[root@server2-e ~]# chgrp admins /test/confidential/
4[root@server2-e ~]# useradd suresh
5[root@server2-e ~]# cd /test/
6[root@server2-e test]# setfacl -m u:suresh:rwx /test/confidential/
7[root@server2-e test]# setfacl -m d:u:suresh:rwx /test/confidential/
8[root@server2-e test]# useradd anita
9[root@server2-e test]# setfacl -m u:anita:rx /test/confidential/
10[root@server2-e test]# setfacl -m d:u:anita:rx /test/confidential/
11[root@server2-e test]# chmod o-rx /test/confidential/

1[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir -p /safe/mailspool
2[root@server2-a ~]# gluster
3gluster> volume
4gluster> volume quota safevol enable
5gluster> volume quota safevol limit-usage /mailspool 192MB
6gluster> volume quota safevol list
7[root@server2-e ~]# chmod o+w /safe/mailspool

1[root@server2-e ~]# lvcreate -L 13G -T vg_bricks/brickspool
2[root@server2-e ~]# lvcreate -V 8G -T vg_bricks/brickspool -n slavebrick1
3[root@server2-e ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/vg_bricks/slavebrick1
4[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/slavebrick1
5[root@server2-e ~]# vim /etc/fstab
6/dev/vg_bricks/slavebrick1 /bricks/slavebrick1 xfs defaults 0 0
7[root@server2-e ~]# mount -a
8[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir -p /bricks/slavebrick1/brick
9[root@server2-e ~]# gluster volume create testrep
10[root@server2-e ~]# gluster volume start testrep
11[root@server2-e ~]# groupadd repgrp
12[root@server2-e ~]# useradd georep -G repgrp
13[root@server2-e ~]# passwd georep
14[root@server2-e ~]# mkdir -p /var/mountbroker-root
15[root@server2-e ~]# chmod 0711 /var/mountbroker-root/
16[root@server2-e ~]# cat /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol
17volume management
18 type mgmt/glusterd
19 option working-directory /var/lib/glusterd
20 option transport-type socket,rdma
21 option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10
22 option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2
23 option transport.socket.read-fail-log off
24 option ping-timeout 0
25# option base-port 49152
26 option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
27 option mountbroker-root /var/mountbroker-root/
28 option mountbroker-geo-replication.georep testrep
29 option geo-replication-log-group repgrp
31[root@server2-e ~]# /etc/init.d/glusterd restart
32[root@server2-a ~]# ssh-keygen
33[root@server2-a ~]# ssh-copy-id georep@
34[root@server2-a ~]# ssh georep@
35[root@server2-a ~]# gluster system:: execute gsec_create
36[root@server2-a ~]# gluster volume geo-replication testvol georep@ create push-pem
37[root@server2-e ~]# sh /usr/libexec/glusterfs/set_geo_rep_pem_keys.sh georep testvol testrep
38[root@server2-a ~]# gluster volume geo-replication testvol georep@ start
39[root@server2-a ~]# gluster volume geo-replication testvol georep@ status

1[root@server2-a ~]# gluster snapshot create safe-snap safevol
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- Author: shisekong
- Link: https://blog.361way.com/glusterfs-config/5040.html
- License: This work is under a 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议. Kindly fulfill the requirements of the aforementioned License when adapting or creating a derivative of this work.