
使用方法是,打开check_ps.sh在nagios上的项目页 ,下载。将其放到/usr/local/nagios/libexec目录。将check_ps.php放到/usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/templates目录。具体用法如下:

 1[root@jjh-cc libexec]# ./ -h -p firefox [-w 10] [-c 20] [-t cpu]
 4  -p/--process)
 5     You need to provide a string for which the ps output is then
 6     then "greped".
 7  -w/--warning)
 8     Defines a warning level for a target which is explained
 9     below. Default is: off
10  -c/--critical)
11     Defines a critical level for a target which is explained
12     below. Default is: off
13  -t/--target)
14     A target can be defined via -t. Choose between cpu and mem.
15     Default is: mem


1[root@cc libexec]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -p 'JjhControlServerMain'
2OK - Process: JjhControlServerMain, User: www, CPU: 1.0%, RAM: 31.2%, Start: Nov30, CPU Time: 8049 min | 'cpu'=1.0 'memory'=31.2 'cputime'=8049


不过官方上传的模板写的有一个小错误,多了一个连接符。导致模板使用时会报错:Notice: Undefined offset: 2 。正确的模板代码如下:

 1<?php $opt[1] = "--vertical-label "percent" -u 100 -l 0 -r --title "CPU/Memory Usage for $hostname / $servicedesc" ";
 2$opt[2] = "--vertical-label "minutes" -u 100 -l 0 -r --title "cputime for $hostname / $servicedesc" ";
 3$def[1] =  "DEF:cpu=$rrdfile:$DS[1]:AVERAGE " ;
 4$def[1] .=  "DEF:memory=$rrdfile:$DS[2]:AVERAGE " ;
 5$def[2] =  "DEF:cputime=$rrdfile:$DS[3]:AVERAGE " ;      #该句前面没有'.'连接符,官方上传的有,会报错
 6$def[1] .= "COMMENT:"\t\t\tLAST\t\t\tAVERAGE\t\t\tMAX\n" " ;
 7$def[2] .= "COMMENT:"\t\t\tLAST\t\t\tAVERAGE\t\t\tMAX\n" " ;
 8$def[1] .= "LINE2:cpu#E80C3E:"CPU\t\t" " ;
 9$def[1] .= "GPRINT:cpu:LAST:"%6.2lf %%\t\t" " ;
10$def[1] .= "GPRINT:cpu:AVERAGE:"%6.2lf \t\t" " ;
11$def[1] .= "GPRINT:cpu:MAX:"%6.2lf \n" " ;
12$def[1] .= "LINE2:memory#008000:"Memory\t" " ;
13$def[1] .= "GPRINT:memory:LAST:"%6.2lf %%\t\t" " ;
14$def[1] .= "GPRINT:memory:AVERAGE:"%6.2lf \t\t" " ;
15$def[1] .= "GPRINT:memory:MAX:"%6.2lf \n" " ;
16$def[2] .= "AREA:cputime#E80C3E:"CPUTime\t" " ;
17$def[2] .= "GPRINT:cputime:LAST:"%6.2lf min\t\t" " ;
18$def[2] .= "GPRINT:cputime:AVERAGE:"%6.2lf min\t\t" " ;
19$def[2] .= "GPRINT:cputime:MAX:"%6.2lf min\n" " ;


 1root@test:#./ -p nginx
 2OK - Process: nginx, User: root, CPU: 0.0%, RAM: 0.7%, Start: Oct17, CPU Time: 7 min | 'cpu'=0.0 'memory'=0.7 'cputime'=7
 3root@test:#ps auxf|grep nginx
 4root     12732  0.0  0.0 103244   796 pts/1    S+   10:30   0:00                      _ grep nginx
 5root     31302  0.0  0.7  70836 27992 ?        Ss   Oct17   0:07 nginx: master process /App/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /App/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
 6www      32610  2.6  1.4  96804 55452 ?        S    Dec07  88:56  _ nginx: worker process
 7www      32611  2.5  1.4  96804 55508 ?        S    Dec07  87:17  _ nginx: worker process
 8www      32612  2.8  1.4  96276 55108 ?        S    Dec07  96:41  _ nginx: worker process
 9www      32613  2.7  1.4  96980 55800 ?        S    Dec07  92:02  _ nginx: worker process
10root@test:#./ -p 'nginx: worker process'
11OK - Process: nginx: worker process, User: www, CPU: 2.6%, RAM: 1.4%, Start: Dec07, CPU Time: 5338 min | 'cpu'=2.6 'memory'=1.4 'cputime'=5338
