python导出excel charts图表
在Excel vba将chart另存为图片篇中讲了如何通过vba宏将excel 中的chart图表导出为的图片,本篇讲下如何使用纯python代码将excel 中的图表导出为图片。这里需要使用的模块有win32com、pythoncom模块。
1from win32com.client import Dispatch
2import os
3import pythoncom
4class Pyxlchart(object):
5 """
6 This class exports charts in an Excel Spreadsheet to the FileSystem
7 win32com libraries are required.
8 """
9 def __init__(self):
10 pythoncom.CoInitialize()
11 self.WorkbookDirectory = ''
12 self.WorkbookFilename = ''
13 self.GetAllWorkbooks = False
14 self.SheetName = ''
15 self.ChartName = ''
16 self.GetAllWorkbookCharts = False
17 self.GetAllWorksheetCharts = False
18 self.ExportPath = ''
19 self.ImageFilename = ''
20 self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar = '_'
21 self.ImageType = 'jpg'
22 def __del__(self):
23 pass
24 def start_export(self):
25 if self.WorkbookDirectory == '':
26 return "WorkbookDirectory not set"
27 else:
28 self._export()
29 def _export(self):
30 """
31 Exports Charts as determined by the settings in class variabels.
32 """
33 excel = Dispatch("excel.application")
34 excel.Visible = False
35 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(os.path.join(self.WorkbookDirectory ,self.WorkbookFilename))
36 self._get_Charts_In_Worksheet(wb,self.SheetName,self.ChartName)
37 wb.Close(False)
38 excel.Quit()
39 def _get_Charts_In_Worksheet(self,wb,worksheet = "", chartname = ""):
40 if worksheet != "" and chartname != "":
41 sht = self._change_sheet(wb,worksheet)
42 cht = sht.ChartObjects(chartname)
43 self._save_chart(cht)
44 return
45 if worksheet == "":
46 for sht in wb.Worksheets:
47 for cht in sht.ChartObjects():
48 if chartname == "":
49 self._save_chart(cht)
50 else:
51 if chartname == cht.Name:
52 self._save_chart(cht)
53 else:
54 sht = wb.Worksheets(worksheet)
55 for cht in sht.ChartObjects():
56 if chartname == "":
57 self._save_chart(cht)
58 else:
59 if chartname == cht.Name:
60 self._save_chart(cht)
61 def _change_sheet(self,wb,worksheet):
62 try:
63 return wb.Worksheets(worksheet)
64 except:
65 raise NameError('Unable to Select Sheet: ' + worksheet + ' in Workbook: ' + wb.Name)
66 def _save_chart(self,chartObject):
67 imagename = self._get_filename(chartObject.Name)
68 savepath = os.path.join(self.ExportPath,imagename)
69 print savepath
70 chartObject.Chart.Export(savepath,self.ImageType)
71 def _get_filename(self,chartname):
72 """
73 Replaces white space in self.WorkbookFileName with the value given in self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar
74 If self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar is an empty string then self.WorkBookFileName is left as is
75 """
76 if self.ImageFilename == '':
77 self.ImageFilename == chartname
78 if self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar != '':
79 chartname.replace(' ',self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar)
80 if self.ImageFilename != "":
81 return self.ImageFilename + "_" + chartname + "." + self.ImageType
82 else:
83 return chartname + '.' + self.ImageType
84if __name__ == "__main__":
85 xl = Pyxlchart()
86 xl.WorkbookDirectory = "\\\\maawtns01\\discipline\\procurement\\MATERIEL\\Raw Material\\Data Management\\Hawk"
87 xl.WorkbookFilename = "Hawk Workability KPI.xlsm"
88 xl.SheetName = ""
89 xl.ImageFilename = "MyChart1"
90 xl.ExportPath = "d:\\pycharts"
91 xl.ChartName = ""
92 xl.start_export()
93 print "This file does not currently allow direct access"
94 print "Please import PyXLChart and run start_export()"
这里还使用Excel vba将chart另存为图片篇中创建的chart_column.xlsx表,使用上面的模块的方法如下:
1from pyxlchart import Pyxlchart
2xl = Pyxlchart()
3xl.WorkbookDirectory = "D:\\"
4xl.WorkbookFilename = "chart_column.xlsx"
5xl.SheetName = ""
6#xl.ImageFilename = "MyChart1"
7xl.ExportPath = "d:\\"
8xl.ChartName = ""
由于有该表里有多张图表,所以上面未指定xl.ImageFilename ,使用示例如下:
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- Author: shisekong
- Link:
- License: This work is under a 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议. Kindly fulfill the requirements of the aforementioned License when adapting or creating a derivative of this work.