Kubernetes使用声明式的 API 让系统更加健壮。但是这样也就意味着我们想要系统执行某些操作就需要通过使用CLI或者REST API来创建一个资源对象,为此,我们需要定义 API 资源的名称、组和版本等信息。但是很多用户就会为此感到困惑了,因为有太多的资源、太多的版本、太多的组了,这些都非……
Use Case: You need to run a custom shell script on your Docker container with arguments passed to the script. These arguments decide how the script runs inside the container. We will look into running custom shell scripts inside a Docker container with command line arguments in this guide. The key Dockerfile instructions used for this use case are ENTRYPOINT: Here you will specify the command that has to be executed when the container starts. The default ENTRYPOINT command is /bin/sh -c CMD: It acts as an argument for ENTRYPOINT. 一、Executing Commands Using CMD Vs ENTRYPOINT Let’s take an example of the following Dockerfile. It installs http-tools and starts the ab (apache benchmark) utility using CMD and Entrypoint. Both do the same job. Using CMD 1FROM……
之前使用过pycharts进行汇图,最近更新本地的pyecharts库,使用之前的代码时,发现之前的方法不好使了,报错:cannot import name ‘Pie’ from ‘pyecharts’ 。找了下官方文档看了下,发现其现在有两个版本,v0.5.X和v1两个大版本,v0.5.X和v1间不兼容,v1是一个全新的版本。由于默认安装……