requests模块的content和text属性的区别,从print 结果来看是没有任何区别的。从源码描述信息上来看,可以发现resp.text返回的是Unicode型的数据、resp.content返回的是bytes型也就是二进制的数据。也就是说,如果你想取文本,可以通过r.text。如果想取图片,文件,则可以通过r.content。如果要取回json数据,可以使用resp.json()返回json格式。


 1 @property
 2    def text(self):
 3        """Content of the response, in unicode.
 4        If Response.encoding is None, encoding will be guessed using
 5        ``chardet``.
 6        The encoding of the response content is determined based solely on HTTP
 7        headers, following RFC 2616 to the letter. If you can take advantage of
 8        non-HTTP knowledge to make a better guess at the encoding, you should
 9        set ``r.encoding`` appropriately before accessing this property.
10        """
11    #content的完整代码就不贴了。
12    @property
13    def content(self):
14        """Content of the response, in bytes."""


1import requests
2jpg_url = ''
3content = requests.get(jpg_url).content
4with open('demo.jpg', 'wb') as fp:
5    fp.write(content)