在《python3解密SecureCRT的密码》篇中提到了利用python进行SecureCRT加密后的密文进行解密的方法。但在不同版本的SecureCRT中%APPDATA%\VanDyke\Config\Sessions\example.com.ini配置中对应的password可能是不一样的,有些密码存储在password项,有些存储的是Password V2项,具体类似如下:

2S:"Password V2"=02:7b9f594a1f39bb36bbaa0d9688ee38b3d233c67b338e20e2113f2ba4d328b6fc8c804e3c02324b1eaad57a5b96ac1fc5cc1ae0ee2930e6af2e5e644a28ebe3fc

这两者之间的加解密方法是有区别的。具体一般以SecureCRT 7.3.3版本进行分界。之前的版本一般会使用password加密算法,之后的一般使用password v2算法。



1uint8_t IV[8] = {
2    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

cipher1 使用的key是:

1uint8_t Key1[16] = {
2    0x24, 0xa6, 0x3d, 0xde, 0x5b, 0xd3, 0xb3, 0x82,
3    0x9c, 0x7e, 0x06, 0xf4, 0x08, 0x16, 0xaa, 0x07

cipher2 使用的key是:

1uint8_t Key2[16] = {
2    0x5f, 0xb0, 0x45, 0xa2, 0x94, 0x17, 0xd9, 0x16,
3    0xc6, 0xc6, 0xa2, 0xff, 0x06, 0x41, 0x82, 0xb7





二、password v2算法

password v2使用的是AES256-CBC 算法,其初始因子是16位16进制的0,具体如下:

1uint8_t IV[16] = {
2    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
3    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00


1uint8_t Key[32] = {
2    0xe3, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x42, 0x98, 0xfc, 0x1c, 0x14,
3    0x9a, 0xfb, 0xf4, 0xc8, 0x99, 0x6f, 0xb9, 0x24,
4    0x27, 0xae, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x64, 0x9b, 0x93, 0x4c,
5    0xa4, 0x95, 0x99, 0x1b, 0x78, 0x52, 0xb8, 0x55






这里还是以python为例,对应的即可以解密password也可以解密password v2的代码如下:

  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  2import os
  3from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
  4from Crypto.Cipher import AES, Blowfish
  5class SecureCRTCrypto:
  6    def __init__(self):
  7        '''
  8        Initialize SecureCRTCrypto object.
  9        '''
 10        self.IV = b'\x00' * Blowfish.block_size
 11        self.Key1 = b'\x24\xA6\x3D\xDE\x5B\xD3\xB3\x82\x9C\x7E\x06\xF4\x08\x16\xAA\x07'
 12        self.Key2 = b'\x5F\xB0\x45\xA2\x94\x17\xD9\x16\xC6\xC6\xA2\xFF\x06\x41\x82\xB7'
 13    def Encrypt(self, Plaintext : str):
 14        '''
 15        Encrypt plaintext and return corresponding ciphertext.
 16        Args:
 17            Plaintext: A string that will be encrypted.
 18        Returns:
 19            Hexlified ciphertext string.
 20        '''
 21        plain_bytes = Plaintext.encode('utf-16-le')
 22        plain_bytes += b'\x00\x00'
 23        padded_plain_bytes = plain_bytes + os.urandom(Blowfish.block_size - len(plain_bytes) % Blowfish.block_size)
 24        cipher1 = Blowfish.new(self.Key1, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 25        cipher2 = Blowfish.new(self.Key2, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 26        return cipher1.encrypt(os.urandom(4) + cipher2.encrypt(padded_plain_bytes) + os.urandom(4)).hex()
 27    def Decrypt(self, Ciphertext : str):
 28        '''
 29        Decrypt ciphertext and return corresponding plaintext.
 30        Args:
 31            Ciphertext: A hex string that will be decrypted.
 32        Returns:
 33            Plaintext string.
 34        '''
 35        cipher1 = Blowfish.new(self.Key1, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 36        cipher2 = Blowfish.new(self.Key2, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 37        ciphered_bytes = bytes.fromhex(Ciphertext)
 38        if len(ciphered_bytes) <= 8:
 39            raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.')
 40        padded_plain_bytes = cipher2.decrypt(cipher1.decrypt(ciphered_bytes)[4:-4])
 41        i = 0
 42        for i in range(0, len(padded_plain_bytes), 2):
 43            if padded_plain_bytes[i] == 0 and padded_plain_bytes[i + 1] == 0:
 44                break
 45        plain_bytes = padded_plain_bytes[0:i]
 46        try:
 47            return plain_bytes.decode('utf-16-le')
 48        except UnicodeDecodeError:
 49            raise(ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.'))
 50class SecureCRTCryptoV2:
 51    def __init__(self, ConfigPassphrase : str = ''):
 52        '''
 53        Initialize SecureCRTCryptoV2 object.
 54        Args:
 55            ConfigPassphrase: The config passphrase that SecureCRT uses. Leave it empty if config passphrase is not set.
 56        '''
 57        self.IV = b'\x00' * AES.block_size
 58        self.Key = SHA256.new(ConfigPassphrase.encode('utf-8')).digest()
 59    def Encrypt(self, Plaintext : str):
 60        '''
 61        Encrypt plaintext and return corresponding ciphertext.
 62        Args:
 63            Plaintext: A string that will be encrypted.
 64        Returns:
 65            Hexlified ciphertext string.
 66        '''
 67        plain_bytes = Plaintext.encode('utf-8')
 68        if len(plain_bytes) > 0xffffffff:
 69            raise OverflowError('Plaintext is too long.')
 70        plain_bytes = \
 71            len(plain_bytes).to_bytes(4, 'little') + \
 72            plain_bytes + \
 73            SHA256.new(plain_bytes).digest()
 74        padded_plain_bytes = \
 75            plain_bytes + \
 76            os.urandom(AES.block_size - len(plain_bytes) % AES.block_size)
 77        cipher = AES.new(self.Key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 78        return cipher.encrypt(padded_plain_bytes).hex()
 79    def Decrypt(self, Ciphertext : str):
 80        '''
 81        Decrypt ciphertext and return corresponding plaintext.
 82        Args:
 83            Ciphertext: A hex string that will be decrypted.
 84        Returns:
 85            Plaintext string.
 86        '''
 87        cipher = AES.new(self.Key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = self.IV)
 88        padded_plain_bytes = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(Ciphertext))
 89        plain_bytes_length = int.from_bytes(padded_plain_bytes[0:4], 'little')
 90        plain_bytes = padded_plain_bytes[4:4 + plain_bytes_length]
 91        if len(plain_bytes) != plain_bytes_length:
 92            raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.')
 93        plain_bytes_digest = padded_plain_bytes[4 + plain_bytes_length:4 + plain_bytes_length + SHA256.digest_size]
 94        if len(plain_bytes_digest) != SHA256.digest_size:
 95            raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.')
 96        if SHA256.new(plain_bytes).digest() != plain_bytes_digest:
 97            raise ValueError('Invalid Ciphertext.')
 98        return plain_bytes.decode('utf-8')
 99if __name__ == '__main__':
100    import sys
101    def Help():
102        print('Usage:')
103        print('    SecureCRTCipher.py <enc|dec> [-v2] [-p ConfigPassphrase] <plaintext|ciphertext>')
104        print('')
105        print('    <enc|dec>              "enc" for encryption, "dec" for decryption.')
106        print('                           This parameter must be specified.')
107        print('')
108        print('    [-v2]                  Encrypt/Decrypt with "Password V2" algorithm.')
109        print('                           This parameter is optional.')
110        print('')
111        print('    [-p ConfigPassphrase]  The config passphrase that SecureCRT uses.')
112        print('                           This parameter is optional.')
113        print('')
114        print('    <plaintext|ciphertext> Plaintext string or ciphertext string.')
115        print('                           NOTICE: Ciphertext string must be a hex string.')
116        print('                           This parameter must be specified.')
117        print('')
118    def EncryptionRoutine(UseV2 : bool, ConfigPassphrase : str, Plaintext : str):
119        try:
120            if UseV2:
121                print(SecureCRTCryptoV2(ConfigPassphrase).Encrypt(Plaintext))
122            else:
123                print(SecureCRTCrypto().Encrypt(Plaintext))
124            return True
125        except:
126            print('Error: Failed to encrypt.')
127            return False
128    def DecryptionRoutine(UseV2 : bool, ConfigPassphrase : str, Ciphertext : str):
129        try:
130            if UseV2:
131                print(SecureCRTCryptoV2(ConfigPassphrase).Decrypt(Ciphertext))
132            else:
133                print(SecureCRTCrypto().Decrypt(Ciphertext))
134            return True
135        except:
136            print('Error: Failed to decrypt.')
137            return False
138    def Main(argc : int, argv : list):
139        if 3 <= argc and argc <= 6:
140            bUseV2 = False
141            ConfigPassphrase = ''
142            if argv[1].lower() == 'enc':
143                bEncrypt = True
144            elif argv[1].lower() == 'dec':
145                bEncrypt = False
146            else:
147                Help()
148                return -1
149            i = 2
150            while i < argc - 1:
151                if argv[i].lower() == '-v2':
152                    bUseV2 = True
153                    i += 1
154                elif argv[i].lower() == '-p' and i + 1 < argc - 1:
155                    ConfigPassphrase = argv[i + 1]
156                    i += 2
157                else:
158                    Help()
159                    return -1
160            if bUseV2 == False and len(ConfigPassphrase) != 0:
161                print('Error: ConfigPassphrase is not supported if "-v2" is not specified')
162                return -1
163            if bEncrypt:
164                return 0 if EncryptionRoutine(bUseV2, ConfigPassphrase, argv[-1]) else -1
165            else:
166                return 0 if DecryptionRoutine(bUseV2, ConfigPassphrase, argv[-1]) else -1
167        else:
168            Help()
169    exit(Main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv))
