What Is Workspace?

Huawei Workspace is a desktop service based on cloud computing (including edge computing). Unlike conventional PCs and VDIs, Workspace enables enterprises to quickly build office environments without investing a large amount of money and spending days in deployment. Workspace supports multiple login modes, allowing you to flexibly access files and use applications for mobile office. (使用Huawei hdp协议)

huawei workspace
huawei workspace

There are three connection management methods:

  • Logging In to a Desktop Using an SC(software client)
  • Logging In to a Desktop Using a TC(Thin client)
  • Logging In to a Desktop Using a Mobile Terminal (Android)


1.Ready a private image(IMS)

Use the IMS cloud service to create a private image (the current workspace only supports private images)


note: the type of image created needs to be ECS system disk image, Because only this format can be recognized when the workspace is created, the ISO format cannot be recognized.

2.Desktop purchase (workspace)

Search for workspace cloud service in the query box. Create a workspace desktop,Select the specification,Operating System and disks, Configure Network

workspace fill  information
workspace fill information

Fill the usename,email,permission group for create the desktop (when finish you will be get the email notice )

If we have more uses for create ,we can choice the batch create with Excel template.

Wait a few minutes, this lunch a desktop is succeed .This’s can remote login with web vnc

workspace login vnc
workspace login vnc

If need access from Internet , you can click Desktop Internet Access Management, configure NAT enable the Internet access.


We will be receive a notice with email when we confirm, the email contacts the software client install package for download link, Access address, Enterprise ID, username,password. We can use this information for login workspace .

3.Login with SC(software client)

Clink the link in the email https://www.huaweicloud.com/product/workspace/download.html , the software client support Windows,macOS,Android.

workspace softclient  login
workspace softclient login
